The title says it all. Today was productive. Really productive. Jesse had finished the cartoon, and was just finishing the ink tracing as we discussed thesis statements and introductory paragraphs. The cartoon is pretty amazing. We'll post an image once we've got the words written in. Essay-wise, we've come to the conclusion that we have enough information and enough comparaisons to write ten essays. We've decided to focus on three strands: Dorothy will write about the German resistance movements (particularly the White Rose group) in comparaison to Mack, Isabel will write about the complacency of the Germans and their general fear of Hitler in comparaison to the rest of the turtles, and Jess will write about Hitler's unrealistic goals and ignorance of the plight of the people in comparaison to Yertle. We also have a rough thesis statement:
The fear and complacency caused by Yertle the Turtle's rise to power in Sala-ma-Sond quite accurately mirrors the fear and blind belief caused by Hitler's reign in Germany, and by facism in general.
A little rough, but that's the basic idea for our essay. Isabel has found a study done by Cambrige University about German resistance, and that will hopefully be one of our primary sources, along with several museum sites and other academic papers.
Tonight, we all plan to start in-depth research of our specific strands, and hopefully to start writing. Since Jess is leaving on Friday (tomorrow) right after class to go to Belize, he will probably do most of his writing on the plane, and email back and forth with Dorothy and Isabel in cold, cold Ottawa.
Hello, it's Isabel, and here is the link to this Cambridge document (Opposition and Resistance in Nazi Germany) I found. And they do have a chapter dedicated to the white rose, so I hope it helps!